class: title, smokescreen, shelf, no-footer background-image: url(web.jpg) # Networks models and socioecosystems --- layout: true .footer[ <!-- - @DrIsaBlg --> - <i class="fab fa-github"></i>iboulangeat <!-- - --> - mars 2019, LISC, Clermont-Ferrand <!-- -  --> ] <!-- --> --- class: roomy # Plan - Socioecosystems et enjeux de resilience - L'intérêt des réseaux - Une proposition conceptuelle pour les socio-ecosystèmes alpins - Conclusion et perspectives --- class: background-image: url(orcieres.png) # Bio: qui suis-je? --[Engineer : Modelling biological systems] --[Master : Ecology and Biodiversity] --[PhD : Biogeography and Community Ecology] --[Post-Doc : Plant-herbivores (mammals) interactions and Resilience] --[Post-Doc : Paleoecology and Historical Legacies] <!-------------------------------- --> --- class: title, smokescreen, no-footer background-image: url(orcieres.png) # Socioecosystems, a systemic approach --- class: # General system theory  Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1940's), Biologist --[Russell Ackoff (1981), Economist] --- class: # Systems[Interacting elements] --[Environnement] --- class: # Ecosystems[Interacting species (biocénose)][Environnement (biotope)] --[] --- class: # Socioecosystems[Ecosystem][######Biocénose][######Biotope] --[Socioeco. system][######Interacting humans][######Env.] --[#####Services][#####Use, management] --[] --- class: # Scales in socioecosystems (space VS intitutions)[######Martin-Lopez, 2006] --- class: # Interactions accross scales[######Folke, 2006] --- class: fit-h1 # Resilience and socioecosystems : a stability perspective  -- .absolute.b-3.l-6[X] .absolute.l-4.t-5[Y] -- .absolute.t-5.r-4[attraction bassin] .absolute.t-60pct.r-2[local equilibrium properties] --[ ][ ] --- class: fit-h1 # Resilience and socioecosystems : evolution of the resilience concept   --- class: fit-h1 # Resilience and socioecosystems : a multidisciplinary concept   --- class: # Resilience of socioecosystems Resilience, robustness and vulnerability refers to structural characteristics --  -- **Diversity and connectivity are key structural descriptors** -- #### Scientific challenges : - What are diversity-stability relationships? - How connectivity affects resilience? --[] --- class: # Connectivity and resilience Connectedness impacts on resilience : both directions are possible! > more connections dilute impacts of strong changes but also propagate disturbances - depends on network properties (e.g. centrality) - depends on the characteristics of the connnected components - depends on the number of connections - depends on the strength of connections <!-------------------------------- --> --- class: title, smokescreen, no-footer background-image: url(nerve-cell.jpg) # Networks --- class: # Networks and graph theory > graph = network of points connected by lines points = **nodes** (or vertices) and links/lines = **edges** --   -- Matrix formalism  --- class: compact, h3-cl # The expansion of graph theory ###### Koeninsberg Bridges ~1740 (Euler) -> preuve 1 siècle plus tard -> 1 siècle plus tard, graphs aléatoires["graph theory" (WoS)][2019----------------------------------------------------------------1995] --- class: col-2 # Interest of network approaches  1. depict systems with numerous interactions leading to complex and non-linear dynamics 2. an interdisciplinary object / bridges between disciplines .absolute.r-1.t-30pct[WoS Research Categories] --- class: compact # Networks for ecological systems ###Nodes = species -- #### Trophic networks Edges = biomass transfert <!-- Reconstruction from distributions and metaweb, traits -->  -- #### Bipartite/tripartite networks Edges = pollinisation, parasitism, herbivory  -- #### Trees (specific type of networks) Edges = phylogenetic/functional distances  --- class: compact # Networks for ecological systems #### Spatial ecological networks Nodes = habitat patches ; Edges = distance  .absolute.r-3.t-2[<sup><sub><sub><sub>Gonzales et al. 2017</sub></sub></sub></sup>] -- #### Metaecosystems (multi-layers networks) Nodes = species / ecosystems  .absolute.l-7.b-3[<sup><sub><sub><sub>Gounand et al. 2018</sub></sub></sub></sup>] --- class: # Networks for socio-economic systems ####Economic networks and concepts - stocks and flux - metabolic networks (territorial ecology)  -- ####Spatial networks Human mobility  .absolute.r-1.b-3[<sub><sup><sup>Barbosa 2018, Physics Reports</sub></sup></sup>] --- class: # Networks for socio-economic systems  ####Diversity of type of links between humans - goods - communication / information / knowledge transfert - spatial (co-presence) - physical vs non physical - emotional --- class: # Networks for socioecosystems ### Multi-layers --  .absolute.r-1.b-2[<sub><sup><sup>Quintescence Consorsium 2016</sub></sup></sup>] --[**nodes=species; links=interactions**] --[**nodes=individuals; links=common perceptions**] --[**nodes=group of individuals; links=transactions**] --[What relationship<br>between layers?] --- class: # Networks for socioecosystems ### Pattern analysis Access to ressources 2-layers network  .absolute.r-2.b-2[<sub><sup><sup>Janssen et al. 2006, Bodin et al. 2009 (Ecology and Society) <br> Bodin and Tengo 2012 (Glob. Env. Change)</sub></sup></sup>] --- class: # Networks for socioecosystems ### Integrating multiple networks Objective oriented (resilience of an ES) Multiple type of links Interdependence   .absolute.r-2.b-2[<sub><sup><sup>Dee et al. 2017, TREE</sub></sup></sup>] --- class: roomy # Challenges for SES networks 1. How to include **space and time** to depict transitions/trajectoires ? -- 2. How to deal with the diversity of **types of links** ? -- 3. **Interdisciplinarity** : which perspective ? -- 4. How to integrate **scales** ? -- 5. How to represent **systems' environments** in a context of strongly connected systems ? How to choose optimal borders ? <!-------------------------------- --> --- class: title, smokescreen, no-footer background-image: url(Ecrins.png) # A proposition for mountain SES --- class: # Objectives 1. Caracterizing **potentiel human impact** on habitats and biodiversity. 2. Identifying **potential actions** to manage them 3. Anticipating the **indirect consequences** (or delayed) of actions on ecosystems' resilience --  --- class: img-left # Nodes : the human as another animal   **Habitat = Ecosystem/patch**: refers to a relatively homogeneous spatial unit and all its components (incl. species populations spatially restricted to the spatial unit) **User**: refers to individuals or group of individuals that are not spatially restricted to one spatial unit -- .absolute.l-2[This allows putting **humans and animals at the same level** of habitat use!] .absolute.l-2.b-3[The definition is **scale independent**.] --- class: img-left # Links : a generalized trophic perspective   User-Habitat links (types): 1. **biomass**: implies a biomass transfert (production service, trophic links) 2. **structural** : implies the presence of the user in the habitat (cultural services, shelter function) 3. **distant**: regulation or cultural services --- class: img-left, fit-h1 # Links : trophic web and metacommunities   -- User-user (direct) links: indirect beneficiary / higher trophic levels -- Habitat-Habitat links :<br> spatial connectivity  --- class: img-left # Network of networks   The network is built as **multi-layers**, including various **functions** that differ in their user-habitat primary link (herbivory, timber harvesting, fishing, vegetation structure, ...) --- class: img-left # Structural analysis   Explore interdependences and indirect interactions accross sectors analysing a metaweb --- class: img-left # Space and time : an ecological perspective   Using spatio-temporal model of habitats (e.g. landscape vegetation model) Rules for different uses Simulations and prospective --- class: compact # Interest of the framework to face challenges > space and time potential for simulations based on ecological rules + uses rules -- > type of links 2 type of links representing potential ecosystem services or functions -- > interdisciplinarity ecological persp. complex human decisions kept for simulations and prospective -- > scales a definition of node's types that is scale independent (to some extent) --- class: # Environment and system's borders ###Context - geographical limits - infrastructures (soft and hard) that are involved in the functions of interest - physical environment ###Drivers - disturbances (physical of human) --- class: # Additional perspectives ####Which tools to implement the framework? - Petri-nets : a powerful tool - Simulation models : DVM + uses, adaptation from ECOSIM - Modelling platform : Ocelet --- class: no-footer background-image: url(vallonpierre.png) # Thanks <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <p align=right> Slides can be found at <br> Contact: </p>